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Narashige Takanome Micromanipulator

Takanome is the Japanese metaphor for a hawk locking on to its target. This aptly describes the new micro-manipulation system from Narishige that allows users to lock manipulators into position and easily adjust the approach angle while always keeping the pipette tip in view.


Easy Attachment of a Pipette

The injection holder is provided with an anchor (special clasp) that fits in the driver body, which enables a distance from a pipette tip to the anchor to be in a length. This function can be used for memorizing a regular position so that time for a pipette exchange will reduce and repeated pipette location is precise and stable.


Once having been set, the innovative fan-shaped driver never fails to return to where the pipette tip is supposed to be. The newly installed knob allows a pipette to move along its axis by using traditional and smooth oil hydraulic joystick. This manipulator will spare the laborious work of a pipette alignment with the optical axis, providing more time for objective operation.

Pipette angle adjustment centered at the tip to stay in view

The pipette tip is designed for staying at the optical axis against any angles. So angle adjustment is hard to miss the tip in the field of view.





Simple and reliable motion from Home to Working position

50mm retracting margin enables easy exchange of a pipette. Breakage of pipettes is greatly reduced during the replacement.


Home position


Work position

More Information

Microscope Compatibility Table



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